“I Bike”, the short film about the fixie scene in Montreal

i bike

With an average annual temperature of 6.4 degrees, and a winter in which temperatures can reach -15 degrees, Montreal has a very active fixie scene. From businessmen in suits and ties to bicycle shop owners, everyone claims the pleasures and benefits of getting around the city by bicycle. In this short film called “I Bike” by Martin Amiot, this particular cycling community is presented.

i bike

As Montréal’s city cyclists say in the short film, “no matter how striking your bike is, the important thing is that you use it for your urban journeys“. They also emphasise the socialising effect of the bicycle, the bond that is created between cyclists is something palpable with the naked eye, and the benefits it brings to the level of space and pollution in today’s cities.

The city cycling movement is spreading faster and faster in all the cities of the world, we know them first hand, and it is time for city councils and other public administrations to take this into account.

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